![Step to stl](https://fase.daderam.com/23.jpg)
As the STEP geometry data are stored in a text form you can expect bigger file sizes when exporting triangular meshes with thousands of faces using the Autoconverter software. STEP ( STandardized Exchange of Product) is a very popular file format for the data 3D exchange between different computer systems e.g. The triangles in STL files are always defined in millimeters therefore our STL converters will make the necessary unit conversion if required. You can save STL files in binary or ASCII text file format, with the preference for the former one due to significant STL file size reduction. While it is possible to assign RGB color value for each individual vertex, Autoconverter our STL file converter doesn't support this STL file extension. STL files contain triangular mesh only, without face color, texture, transparency and named groups data. STL ( STereoLithography) is a file format developed by 3D Systems company, the world leader in the 3D printing industry. from_file ( 'ball_and_socket_simplified_-_twist_lock.stl' ) minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz = find_mins_maxs ( twist_lock ) w2 = maxx - minx l2 = maxy - miny h2 = maxz - minz translate ( twist_lock, w1, w1 / 10. radians ( 90 )) minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz = find_mins_maxs ( main_body ) w1 = maxx - minx l1 = maxy - miny h1 = maxz - minz copies = copy_obj ( main_body, ( w1, l1, h1 ), 2, 2, 1 ) # I wanted to add another related STL to the final STL twist_lock = mesh. from_file ( 'ball_and_socket_simplified_-_main_body.stl' ) # rotate along Y main_body. append ( _copy ) return copies # Using an existing stl file: main_body = mesh. , row, 'y' ) if layer != 0 : translate ( _copy, h, h / 10. , col, 'x' ) if row != 0 : translate ( _copy, l, l / 10. copy ()) # pad the space between objects by 10% of the dimension being # translated if col != 0 : translate ( _copy, w, w / 10. points : # point items are ((x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)) for i in range ( 3 ): p ] += ( step * multiplier ) + ( padding * multiplier ) def copy_obj ( obj, dims, num_rows, num_cols, num_layers ): w, l, h = dims copies = for layer in range ( num_layers ): for row in range ( num_rows ): for col in range ( num_cols ): # skip the position where original being copied is if row = 0 and col = 0 and layer = 0 : continue _copy = mesh. points : # p contains (x, y, z) if minx is None : minx = p maxx = p miny = p maxy = p minz = p maxz = p else : maxx = max ( p, maxx ) minx = min ( p, minx ) maxy = max ( p, maxy ) miny = min ( p, miny ) maxz = max ( p, maxz ) minz = min ( p, minz ) return minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz def translate ( _solid, step, padding, multiplier, axis ): if axis = 'x' : items = elif axis = 'y' : items = elif axis = 'z' : items = for p in _solid. def find_mins_maxs ( obj ): minx = maxx = miny = maxy = minz = maxz = None for p in obj. Import math import stl from stl import mesh import numpy # find the max dimensions, so we can know the bounding box, getting the height, # width, length (because these are the step size). auto_scale_xyz ( scale, scale, scale ) # Show the plot to the screen pyplot. vectors )) # Auto scale to the mesh size scale = cube_back. Axes3D ( figure ) # Render the cube axes. concatenate ()) # Optionally render the rotated cube faces from matplotlib import pyplot from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # Create a new plot figure = pyplot. copy ()) # Rotate 90 degrees over the X axis followed by the Y axis followed by the # X axis cube_back. array (,, ]) # Since the cube faces are from 0 to 1 we can move it to the middle by # substracting. show ()įrom stl import mesh import math import numpy # Create 3 faces of a cube data = numpy. vectors )) # Auto scale to the mesh size scale = numpy. Axes3D ( figure ) # Render the cube faces for m in meshes : axes. y += 2 # Optionally render the rotated cube faces from matplotlib import pyplot from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # Create a new plot figure = pyplot. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the Y axis meshes. y += 2 # Rotate 90 degrees over the X and Y axis meshes. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the X and Y points meshes. x += 2 # Rotate 90 degrees over the X axis meshes. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the X axis meshes. 5 # Generate 4 different meshes so we can rotate them later meshes = # Rotate 90 degrees over the Y axis meshes. From stl import mesh import math import numpy # Create 3 faces of a cube data = numpy.
![Step to stl](https://fase.daderam.com/23.jpg)